
Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Jane Loevinger’s stages of ego development Essay

I have d unmatchable much inquiry of theories on stages of life, stages in life, how and why, we all got to be how we be. Of course, I have my suffer theory, which is because and in reference to all the research I had done. However, I requirement to state that I most agree with Jane Loevingers philosophy, that this sentiency of the ego or I as an active interpreter of experiencechanges in significant ways all over the course of human life. Loevingers sample of ego development charts those changes over time.Jane Loevinger had her own theory of stages that human beings go through in becoming who they are hers begs to differ in the sense of it is all how we categorize what we have learned in life Loevinger tells us how we organize (in our mind) those contents I-2 Impulsive- Impulsive Egocentric, dependent Bodily feelings Delta Self-protective Opportunistic Manipulative, awake Trouble, control I-3 Conformist- Respect for rules Cooperative, loyal Appearances, behavior I-3/4 Consc ientious- Exceptions allowable Helpful, self- aware Feelings, problems, adjustment Conformist. I-4 Conscientious- Self-evaluated Intense, responsible Motives, traits, achievement standards, self-critical. I-4/5 Individualistic- Tolerant Mutual Individuality, development, purposes. I-5 Autonomous- header with conflict Interdependent Self-fulfillment, psychological causation. I-6 Integrated- Cherishing individuality Identity.In going over the table in laymans terms, I retrieve it is writ large that she is describing growing up in general, and what would be helpful and healthy for a person to experience. The table does not list 1-1, which I believe that is because it would be what one views (optical) as a baby, before one can babble out or think in any cognitive way. She starts with Impulse control, which is winsome, because no one has morals/values, and/or any sense of right/wrong, at the beginning of his or her lives. She also mentions manipulative in this category, which is a lso agreeable because a person will be manipulative at a young age in trying to gain control, which I think leads us into the second category of conformist. I believe that is agreeable also, for one is encyclopedism to conform without manipulation, (because of the earlier manipulation), in learning their own cocky control and what they have decided they like.Next, Conscientious Individualistic, is people becoming aware of everything, especially other people around them and how they are different. They are learning to be patient and understand that each is different, at first they exculpate they must tolerate others, then, going into autonomous, they more than tolerate differences, they also presume them. The final stage is Integrated, which to me is self-satisfaction, in the knowing that one knows life and understands it. They possess all that they are, their purpose, and everyone elses purpose. They understand each person has a role in this world and are now more than acceptin g of it they are grateful. It is feeling of understanding. Their mind, body and soul is satisfied.

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